This is a very rare and hard to catch bug. If it happens to you, we’d really like to hear about it. Please tell us your iOS version, your iPad version, what you were doing when it happened, and what other Apps were running at the time.
We believe that this is caused by running out of memory. If you don’t mind helping us track down the problem, or you just want to fix it right now, please do the following:
– Tap your home button. Then double-tap it.
– Hold an App in the bottom row, tap the (-) button for all those Apps you think might use a lot of memory, especially 3D games and heavy-duty audio processing Apps.
– Launch the CMI App again, and see if that removes or reduces the problem.
– If you feel like being a detective, launch your other apps one by one and see which one causes or worsens the problem– and let us know!
Addendum: We believe that we have fixed this in release 1.6. Please tell us if it still happens!
Posted in: Bugs Fixed in 1.5 to 1.6